Are You Too Snoring Like A Running
Sleeping Position and Sleep
Snoring is widely considered a sleep disorder; both for the
trouble that it (potentially) causes the snorer, and the trouble
that (almost always!) causes those around the snorer. Therefore,
an effective target in the battle against snoring is sleep
There are two areas that can be focused upon to potentially help
prevent (or lessen) snoring: sleep position, and sleep factors.
Sleep Position
Many snorers have found surprising relief from simply putting
something under their chin as they sleep; either their hand, or
a pillow, or even a rolled up sock. This can help firm up the
neck muscles; or at least, give the impression that this is
happening. The bottom line is that since there is less loose
skin (and thus tissue) that can vibrate against air in the
trachea, there is less snoring.
Putting a pillow beneath the small of the back, and thus
propping up the abdomen, is both extremely comfortable, and also
an effective remedy for some snorers. This position helps open
up the airway, and expand the lungs.
For those snorers who snore predominantly through their mouth,
it might be helpful to learn that sleeping on one's side helps
keep the mouth closed. However, many snorers actually snore out
of both their mouth and nose, and this may not solve the
problem. It may, however, lessen it somewhat; which, at least in
the big picture, is a positive step! |
